Not looking for a relationship just NSA fun. Mountain retreat Uniontown swingers

If you are looking for love or for husband or for boyfriend or for chatting all the day (( please don't message me )) I'm looking for NSA discreet fun with someone interesting, preferably not too far away but would travel for the right situation. Not interested with anything having to do with the bum period. I'm not a flake and will meet when possible.
I am willing to be open and adventurous. Open to trying new things as well. Please NO MEN. We are all here to enjoy life, and would love to find someone to hang out with and Uniontown swingers both enjoy ourselves!
Just ask me. Please be a TOP!
He must be older, compassionate and hopelessly romantic. Looking for at least one guy for regular hook ups with her both alone and with hubby watching. Horny wechat woman. Would prefer someone within a 30 min.
Summer will be here before i know it.
I'm 6.1 tall looking for more excitement in my life. ONCE AGAIN ! My idea person is someone that is Discreet, Respect each others privacy. Gets better from there.
I work 8 to 5 monday through friday and have lunch from 12 to 1 cst. Soy dedicado a mis cosas,como el trabajo y familia,pero tambien trato de ser divertido y disfrutar los momentos cuando los tengo.
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I'm adventurous in bed and life, ambitious, caring tactile passionate good sense of humour loyal when in a relationship I never cheat I do not take any crap. Prefer bottom. 35-65 women only, race unimportant.

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Only interested in energetic young horny man, good size cock, someone who can spoil me, take me to heights. Let's play Please be local. If you Uniontown swingers have any questions just ask.
Let's just be real we are all adults here..Discreet if required ; ). Love intelligence and humor. I am so tired of disrespectful who cancel without a notice. - BBW women of all ages.I'm happy to swap pics, video, or just chat.
If your a whore then come to my door. When I'm out driving I can't wait until you're screaming with pleasure and make me cum! I have experience in playing with couples therefore I absolutely understand that I must win the trust of both the husband and wife.
She has enjoyed women going down on her, and has recently began taking an interest in going down on women for as long as you like, (hours) Always hard, and hot, and throbbing... Looking for a sexy Dom who enjoys a big girl. Tall, slender, (I'm told I am) nicely hung, I seem to touch all the right places.
I am a very compassionate person. Easy on the eyes 9" tool. We dont have a specific type we're attracted to. Passionate black cock.
Of course I Cant tell you better than i can show you.